Saturday, February 8, 2014

Now you will call his name and say that! Going past the mouth of the ear with your mobile (two Apps)

Android Fun Now you will call his name and say that! Going past the mouth of the ear with your mobile (great two Apps)

Ever wondered if there is a way to know who is calling while you are driving and the Phone is in your pocket? Or who send you SMS while you are in another room and received an SMS?
Caller Name Talker speaks out the Incoming caller name and SMS sender name so that you can identify who is calling without looking into your phone. It can even read the SMS content for you. And the best thing is, it is totally FREE.

Please download Ad Free version of this app Talk Caller Name PRO ( to donate developer.

Caller Name Talker uses the built-in Android text-to-speech engine to voice the caller or SMS Sender ID. This program will not work if your phone doesn’t have text-to-speech data installed in your phone. No need to worry about that! Caller Name Talker will redirect you to Google play to install text-to-speech data into your phone if your phone doesn’t have it pre-installed.
  1. There are a wide range of options to customize this application in the way you like. Some of them Temporarily disable this feature without uninstalling application.
  2. Options to play caller name only if the caller name is in contacts list.
  3. Adjust Volume – Use ringer volume or use custom set volume.
  4. Turn off caller name alert feature if Phone is in silent mode.
  5. Configure time interval to repeat playing caller name.
  6. Flip phone to stop caller name alert while phone is ringing.
  7. Customize playing message by adding message before and after caller name. Eg:- John Doe Calling
  8. Alert SMS Sender name while receiving an SMS.
  9. Customize playing message when receiving SMS by adding message before and after SMS sender name. Eg:- SMS From John Doe
  10. Change voice speed and pitch settings.
  11. Option to test current voice speed and pitch by using custom message.
  12. Read SMS content.
  13. Option to switch between languages supported by Text-to-Speech Engine in your phone.

Thanks to Jiri Egermaier from the Czech Republic for help with the translation into Czech language.
Thank you Mayada Hassan for helping with Arabic translation.
Thank you Adriana Falotico for the Spanish translation.

 1.Caller Name Talker



2.Whistle Locator PRO



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